Updates surrounding Corona

Corona Policy Jachtcenter Elburg

Dear Customer,

We are pleased to inform you of our Corona protocol.

On the grounds of Jachtcenter Elburg the following codes of conduct apply to you as a visitor:

  • VFollow current RIVM and GGD guidelines. (wax distance tests)
  • Wash or disinfect your hands.
  • If you are showing symptoms of Corona virus you should stay home.
  • You will keep 1.5 meters away from our staff and also from each other in this area.
  • Please wear mouthpiece in office and store.

The yard sanitation facilities are open to visitors to our yard.
We ask you during your stay in our yard, the use of the facilities and
on the jetties to give each other space and keep 1.5 meters distance from each other.

As a passer-by you are very welcome in our marina.
Would you be so kind as to announce your arrival to our harbor manager at 0525 68 28 00.

Our staff will remain at home in case of complaints of rhinitis, cough, sore throat and/or fever.
In this way, we remain able to provide our trusted service.

If you yourself have mild symptoms of a cold or fever, we kindly ask you not to
visit and to postpone your visit to a later safe date.

We hope you enjoy your stay and recreation on the water.

Team Jachtcenter Elburg wishes you a healthy and safe journey.